Greetings from the Counselor!

This is a new website and I am trying to learn how to maximize use of it, so be patient as it is under construction.  I will add calendars, photos and links to student resources as they are available.  I hope you all have a wonderful year at PJHS.    

SPRING TESTING 2012 is here!

Tuesday, April 10th through Friday, April 13th the entire PJHS student body will be participating in the ARMT+ Standardized Testing.  Please do not be late or absent on these days!  If you have to schedule appointments, please do so after lunch on those days to avoid make-up testing.  We will start promptly at 7:50 each day in homeroom classes and will test up to the lunch period.  RELAX!  You've got this!  I will be meeting with all of the students between now and testing week to go over last years scores AND testing strategies to help you do their best!  If there are any questions about the testing dates, times or others- feel free to call me anytime. 

Remember:  Eat a good breakfast and go to bed at a decent hour! This will help you in your testing.  Proven fact!

Making the "MOVE" to Middle School.

You can help your child in the transition to middle school/junior high in several different ways:

Academically- by preparing them for more challenging work and more responsibilities.  Some ideas might be to assist them with homework, help them to get organized and develop a system that works for them.  Discuss new schedules, using lockers and getting used to the new teachers and peers at the school. 

Socially- talk to your child about being apart from old friends and making new ones.  Discuss peer pressure (what it is and how to say no to it).  Talk about bullying and respect for others.  Get involved and help your child get involved in school and after-school activities with peers.

Communication- As your child questions about things he/she might be worried about.  Be ready to talk and listen for any concerns.  Be open to talking about more physical and emotional changes and challenges. 

Help your child succeed in Middle School.

At HOME you can- talk about school every evening.  Be positive and ask your child questions!  Read with your child.  Display schedules for homework and tests or keep a calendar of important events.  Create a quiet homework area and establish consistent rules for homework and study times.  Above all- offer your child support.

At SCHOOL you can- talk to the teachers and ask for feedback on your child's progress.  Ask for tips on supporting your child.  If you have questions or concerns, contact the teacher via email or phone.  Volunteer at school and attend parent-teacher conferences.  Ensure that your child maintains good attendance and is on-time to school each day.  This will help them stay up to date on assignments and information.  Contact your School Counselor if you have further questions!



Bullying is a prevalent issue in Junior High School.  Despite our best efforts, it continues to occur.  We are addressing it in several different ways this year:

1. Character education program "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". 

2. Large Group Guidance sessions with the School Counselor.

3. Parent/teacher conferences as needed and conferences with students as needs arise.

4. On-going training for faculty and staff on current bullying issues, trends, and how to deal with these issues in the school setting.

Please visit for more information for students, parents and teachers.  We are ALWAYS here to listen to concerns that you or your child may have about bullying.  It is our mission to create a safe and comfortable learning environment for our students so that they can focus on learning.  Together we can make this a reality!